Sunday, July 10, 2011


This is the stage of the process we've fondly come to know as "hurry up and wait."  Months of gathering information and references, and now there's nothing for us to do.  It feels a lot like finishing school, or what I imagine it feels like to retire.  We've become accustomed to following all the steps and filling out all of the paperwork as quikly as possible, and now that the approval stage is over I come home at night and think there must be something I should be doing. This is the waiting stage, it's pretty much out of our hands now.

The websites all say this is the time to prepare. In the circumstance of a pregnancy, the couple spends their 9 months prior to the baby's arrival to prepare their home and enjoy their last days as a family of two.  Not knowing if our "pregnancy" will be a few weeks or many months we're finding it hard to start the preparations. So for now, we'll just start with the little things--painting the baby's room, buying the essentials...We'll wait, and we'll keep our fingers crossed that the wait isn't too long.

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